Monday, February 18, 2008

The Bucket List

Today as I was wasting valuable time (that could be spent cleaning the house) reading blogs, I noticed someone had put up a bucket list. So I thought this might be interesting for us to attempt. However, I am probably closer to this than my counterparts. So here goes:

  1. See my children grown
  2. Go to New York City
  3. Go to Washington DC
  4. Not feel the need to worry about money
  5. Spend a month at the beach in a house
  6. Own my own ranch
  7. See Dan's dreams come true
  8. Finish my doctorate
  9. write a book
  10. enjoy each day like it was the last

Okay, what about you?

1 comment:

Monkey said...

My bucket list top 10
1. Go to New York City
2. Own my own business and make great money at it
3. Own a house in all the cities that I have fallen in love with or WILL fall in love with
4. Have more time, desire and energy for creating my own Art
5. See my mom and dad live in a nice house
6. Have enough money and space to open up a dog shelter
7. Road trip from here to California and stop off in all the places in between
8. Live near water
9. Forgive people that I long to be able to forgive...and then forget too
10. Be fortunate enough to love and live with one of every dog breed I've always wanted
oh and be able to read all the books on my Amazon Wish list!