Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another Busy Day

Got up fixed the men breakfast burritos and then started cooking. I made a Pineapple Gooey Butter Cake for Mrs. Tyus. Tracie and family got chicken and dumplings, cornbread, and cheesecake brownies. Then for the H-clan it was chicken and dumplings, cornbread, and peanut butter heaven. Took the boys lunch and stayed for two lunch breaks. Talked to a couple of the G-man's teachers. Visited with my friends. Checked Gabe out early. Went to DQ (yes, I had a Reese cup blizzard). Went to look at a house. Delivered food. Went to funeral home. Now off to church.

Tomorrow I am working on tax stuff! Yuck!!!!! If I have any luck at all Friday will be all to me! At some point this nasty house must be cleaned!

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