Friday, December 28, 2007

Mr. Maddox

Mr. Maddox died yesterday. I saw him at school on Friday. I wondered what did I say to him. Did he know that he had an important job and that we appreciated everything he did for us? Mr. Maddox never married, no children. Yet, his existance meant something to all of us! Mr. Maddox I hope you knew that we all cared.


Monkey said...

WHAT?! Is this for real? I can't even believe it...the last time I saw him I was giving him his Christmas fudge on the day we got out for break. That is so sad.

Lennye said...

It was very strange. He started throwing up on Christmas Day and couldn't stop. His blood pressure started dropping and he was just gone. I'm waiting for more details from Hamlin. Mike's sister is married into the family.

Sarah B. B. said...

He's been so mysteriously sick for so long - maybe it's all related to those prior illnesses? He was a real sweetheart, as y'all well know. Did you know he's Lee Nelson's age? They were in high school in Jackson at the same time. If the school decides to do something for the family, let me know, please.

K2daK said...

So sad, I liked Mr. Maddox a lot. We had nice conversations almost every afternoon. I know he will be missed he was one of maybe 2 people on that "team" that if you needed something it gone done and quickly.