Sunday, November 11, 2007

It's Almost Monday--BaHumBug

I can't believe that here we are the week before a break and I'm getting sick! I fell like crap! But have no fear, tomorrow those who are over me will more than likely have another intervention that must be put into place! I am honored.

Between the leg cramps and now the cold, I am not sleeping well at all. So that makes it worse. Dan helped again today and we knocked out another week of statistics! Matt has One Act Play dessert theatre this week on Thursday. Tickets are $8 in advance and they did win first or second at state. In an effort not to offend there is no longer a winner, there are two superiors. WHATEVER!!!! I hate to tell people but in life somebody will lose.

Dan and I need to get all our work done by Friday, because the prof is holding and open chat room. I don't know enough to chat to anyone. My mind is actively going places other than it is a swig of Nyquil and off to bed for me!

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