Sunday, October 21, 2007

Need to make changes!

Fall has brought about a lot of changes this year. Gabe started school without me for the first time in his life. Matt is a senior and we are busy with pictures, announcements, and talk of college. Drew has gotten married and now is planning a new life with his best friend. Dan has moved to a new barn and had a life changing accident. Kate and CW are pregnant again, amnio shows that all is fine with my new nephew. Dan's parents are considering moving closer. I have actually made it through 4 classes (24 hours) towards my doctorate and still I'm maintaining a 4.0 GPA. (after this next class I can apply for my 6 year) To top it off I've joined weight watchers again with a new commitment. Hopefully, this will be my year.

Yet, God has been dealing with me about other things of late. I miss my early mornings with Him: reading, meditating on the Word, and writing in my journal. Yet, I continue to make the excuse that I don't have time. However, I flitter (my word)away countless hours checking blog spots and being mindless. It was yesterday as I went to various Christian websites that I was reminded of my need for continued spiritual growth, not the need to be busy, but to be quiet before the Lord. So changes are coming.

I need to take time to be more giving. I love to cook and need more time to cook healthier for my family. I need to learn how to handle stress better (without cussing!). I need to know that I may never have all the answers and that's okay. I need to accept the fact that we will never live a perfect life, we will live the one God has given us and we need to enjoy every minute of it. I need to always be thankful for the journey; because if I had never gone to Colorado, Pennsylvania, and then Georgia, I wouldn't have most of my dearest friends. I want to relish in good books and be thankful that I came to Georgia when Celestine Sibley was still alive and writing for the AJC. I found a wonderful author that now needs to be rescued from dusty shelves and given to all my friends. I'm also thankful to almost be 48 and know what a run on sentence is and don't care!

Stay tuned for more.

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