Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Now Have NO Life!

Well, statistics started this week. I have 5 or 6 assignments per week to accomplish by Sunday night. I HATE math. I cried Monday. Was it the class or my back? Today I went to the foot doctor, then the massage therapist, then the foot doctor. I still hurt so bad I can't hardly walk!
I would like to take time to appropriately whine, but I am afraid, to let myself play to far in that courtyard! Since it appears there is a new writing contest we need to enter.

Question of the year: Why does the other school get two hours to teach Reading/writing and I get on paper 70 minutes and in actuality 45? Please ponder this thought and respond. If you have any idea how to pull off miracles (it is the season of hope) please, please let me know.

1 comment:

Sarah B. B. said...

Breathe in, breathe out... Statistics sucks, I will grant you, but you only have to learn it long enough to pass the class. That's for real, girlie, because the stats I needed for my practicum crapola were entirely different from the ones they taught me in the class. On the upside, I have a very statistically aware friend (read = economist) who told me what to do, and I will make him tell you, as well, when the time comes. Just remember: figures don't lie, but liars can figure. ;)