Monday, October 22, 2007

Funny Spirituality

Today Monkey made mention to the funny utube clip (thanks Stephen for sending it) and not the new spiritual me. So in an effort to be more spiritual today:

Proverbs 15:13 A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Proverbs 18:14 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?

In light of these words of scripture I will share more. First, if you know me I struggle to find any joy in life. Perhaps I hide this well, but I am one of those folks that life has just been hard on and so-o I tend to not have much fun. Usually this coincides with money woes, but that's another blog. Anyway...I've got a few days off school and my 4.0GPA can have a brief rest. So I've been delving into the funnier side of life. This weekend I have mindlessly watched utube clips, surfed various blogs (of the more spiritual side), and watched mindless TV [Gene Simmons Family Jewels].

Today, I've laughed every time I've thought about Family Jewels. That show is a riot and definitely not spiritual! So perhaps my endeavors of late aren't were they need to be, but as the scripture says, "A merry heart doeth good like medicine..."

1 comment:

K2daK said...

You gotta find what works for you and if laughing at someone with a 10 inch tongue does that for you then do it! :) I like to peek in on that show on ocassion too that and The Girls Next Door. With the Girls Next Door I often wonder, do they really love him or are they hoping to hold out for money, which ever the case may be I am sure they are really living it up.